Swadeshi College of Commerce, Ulubari, Guwahati is affiliated to the Gauhati University and is situated in a very convenient locality near G.S Road opposite Bora Service Station. This college is co-educational with English as medium of instruction. Dr. Jayanta Kr. Choudhury, the Principal is leading a team of dedicated dynamic teachers with support from Vice Principal Mr. Rajarshi Kar. Its cherished goal is to achieve the best possible academic standard so as to permit enhancement of future career prospects of all. Simultaneously this institution provides an atmosphere to develop a strong, upright and fearless character ready to take the challenges of leadership in society and help nation building. It strictly follows the academic calendar of Gauhati University. More
Prof (Dr) Gautam Goswami
Managing TrusteeSwadeshi Education Trust (SET)
It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you to the official website of Swadeshi College of Commerce, Guwahati. This website has been developed to impart timely and valuable information to students, parents and visitors to the website and it enables everyone to become familiar with our college and other policies that are basic for the smooth functioning of the college as well as to provide you with updated information, schedules and events of the college.More
With best regardsDr. Jayanta Kr. ChoudhuryM.Sc,Ph.D,PGDDE
In a country like India where education is held in very high esteem, we at Swadeshi College of Commerce (SCC) strongly believe in and impart quality education, with proper blend of skills and human values. Here at SCC, we aim to inculcate among students the right kind of attitude towards life, value for time and hard work. This is the reason that SCC is more than just a college.
Come, join our Swadeshi family to experience joyful learning.
With best wishesMr. Rajarshi Kar
Phone:0361-2520112,M-94353 26886
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