The wall magazine of the college with the name ‘PRAGYANAM’ was inaugurated by Dr. Gautam Goswami , Managing Trustee , Swadeshi Education Trust, on 22nd September, 2016. At regular interval efforts are made to change/modify it with new themes and contents. The theme of the inaugural edition was ‘AZAADI 70’.
The first ever college magazine ‘PRASCHAYA – THE SEARCH FOR INNER SELF’, has been inaugurated in the college premises on 20th September 2017, on the last day of EUPHORIC-2017. A summarized detail of the said magazine is stated below:
Inceptor: Dr. J.K. Choudhury
Advisors:Rajarshi Kar
Riju Ganguly
Jhuma Choudhury
Editors:Panchamrita Sarma
Mridula Sarmah
Printed at:Swadeshi College of Commerce