Swadeshi College of Commerce, Ulubari, Guwahati is affiliated to the Gauhati University and is situated in a very convenient locality near G.S Road opposite Bora Service Station. This college is co-educational with English as medium of instruction. Dr. Jayanta Kr. Choudhury, the Principal is leading a team of dedicated dynamic teachers with support from Vice Principal Mr. Rajarshi Kar. Its cherished goal is to achieve the best possible academic standard so as to permit enhancement of future career prospects of all. Simultaneously this institution provides an atmosphere to develop a strong, upright and fearless character ready to take the challenges of leadership in society and help nation building. It strictly follows the academic calendar of Gauhati University
This Commerce College is the foster child of Swadeshi Education Trust (SET), a Registered Trust within the state of Assam floated in 1994. It was the brain child of a philanthropist academician late Nareswar Sharma who was a teacher in Accountancy both in Jorhat Engineering College as well as in Assam Engineering College, Jalukbari. He was the founder Managing Trustee of SET till his death in October,2007. Since then, I, Dr. Gautam Goswami have been managing the day to day activity of the Trust as Managing Trustee with the help of a dedicated team of trustees drawn from various corner of the society. Presently I am a serving senior Professor of Gauhati Medical College with 38 years of teaching experience, out of which 18 years as Professor. In addition to that I am a Commonwealth Medical Fellow in the United Kingdom from 190-1991. SET is run in the most democratic manner and everything is accountable in this Public Trust. Apart from this Degree College, the Trust is responsible for running one junior college Swadeshi Academy at Tarun Nagar since 1994 and a school section at Hengerabari in its own plot of land. We owe everything to our founder Director Late Nareswar Sharma & bow our heads low in the sweet memory of this legend.
Being situated in a posh urban Guwahati locality with the approval of the state government, we are striving hard to offer the best infrastructure possible to the staff and students. It has spacious class rooms, modern library and recreation centre. We are in the process of developing one college playground at Hengerabari shortly. It is already a recognized examination centre of the Gauhati University.
The institute’s axial emphasis is on career building, promotion of national integration and social harmony through positive formation of character of young generation without discrimination against caste, creed, religion and gender. The management is very sensitive of the fee structure and boasts of being one of the lowest in the city if not in the state under private sector, in its untiring effort to convert it to “Light House” of knowledge.
Today, it is with lots of trepidation and sense of awesome responsibility I welcome you all with an open arm to our institution and it brings me fright to find a proper word of appreciation to all those students both present and past, faculty members, staff, well wishers of the society who contributed immensely in building up this nascent institution brick by brick.
Prof (Dr) Gautam Goswami
Managing Trustee
Swadeshi Education Trust (SET).